Monday, January 16, 2012

Adsense sandbox

Google Adsense Preview Tool will display sample Google ads, based on standard AdSense targeting and filtering. Unlike the Official Adsense Preview Tool add-on that works only with IE browser, this online Adsense Preview Tool works across all web browsers including IE, Firefox, Opera or Safari.[Image]Other than 20 text ads, the Adsense Preview tool will also show the related Adlinks and Rich Text Ads (Images and Video) that will appear on your webpages for visitors in various countries. Ad formats include Leaderboard, Skyscraper, Rectangle and Square (200x200)Disclaimer: The Adsense Sandbox tool is written and owned by Digital Inspiraton. It has no affiliation with Google Inc. or Google Adsense. The internal code uses random Adsense Publisher IDs - therefore the Adwords advertisers will be not be charged for the ad impressions or clicks generated through this tool.